Although quite a simple map, it is bound to be fun. Not much can be said about the design of the map, but you could make some traps using switches...
I think you misunderstood what he said, he started the map a while ago. He is then going to start forging on it again and get it finished by...
Please try not to double post. Here's a tip, when you go to quote someone and you already have a posted comment, and no one else has commented yet...
Actually this map has tunnels, pillars and an elevated level that provides protection from the banshees. However, the middle of the map makes...
I would have to say that is doesn't look very "planned" if you ask me, but then again you've had it for ages. It's a good idea but it seems so...
Tell me about it, i've had 5 essay's within the last 4 days! it's crazy! So i don't really post my maps too often, and i spend ages on them to...
Please provide a more detailed explanation and a proper formatting, including pictures, some details of the map and a weapon set. please refer to...
Great aesthetics, Gameplay looks like it could build quite a hype. It's an amazing map. You have quite the respect from me, and i can see you...
Thank you for that. It's good you're active, and so quickly. :) smiles for you. i can see that you have potential to be an active, good, abiding...
Your pics are not working. uploading them directly from does not work and you must embed the screenshots. Please refer to this thread...
Wow, currently one of the most aesthetically great frigates on Sandbox. I like how you sort of improvised for the mac and made it more a part of...
Wow! I saw the rhythm's and fell in love, it's amazing! I love the idea of it, you are certainly the first person i know to have used that, it...
1. No i won't recommend it to bungie. a. because the pics don't work and i don't know if it's crap or not. b. because it doesn't work that...
could this be used to create a two way lift? Could it be used in conjunction to moonwaffle's concept of that lift? I would like to see all its uses.
Yay, achievements and armour here i come... GT: ORANG3 BL0B ('o' is a zero = 0 ) I only recently got hayabusa armour because my xbox got fixed, oh...
I just say to them, "Yo, shut the F**k up, it's a f****g game, get over it!" Or sometimes i send them vulgar and hateful messages concerning their...
don't interlock, if it's got better gameplay, then do it.
i completely agree with you The Spartan III, n00bs can suck black ****! I'm sick of them, they need to get their act together!
they didn't, it's called not killing 10,000 grunts... did you read that part? woop-dee-doo, so you have to do the last level with ghosts, it...