yea i might switch to image shack.... and the text says cudi. thanks
that's an awesome poem and a great picture i just think that shattered glass is a cliche symbol in writing
[IMG] photobucket [IMG] imageshack
doesn't help
kk this isn't that simple. there's a lot of shading and lighting on the texture and if i make new camo over it ill cover that up because its not...
hey has anyone gotten the commando yet? that gun is insanely powerful. ...i played nuke town 12 times in a row and rased my K/d to a 2.25 :)...
the text is really bold but blends well with the signature. and it looks great + doesn't take from focal. effects are off the heezay and a tut is...
i was wondering why it was sooo sexy then realized it was forged by an architect. love your sketch up. map looks phenomenal, possible feature...
maybe it has something to do with the speed of phone and or how bungie is interlaced with windows login
mods can now close this thread because the question has been answered lol.
then again you can get under the map on paridiso. but yea I don't care if the sword base one isn't an amazing hiding spot. it's still nice to see...
>> implying the wii isn't the number one selling video game console
loving the production value of these videos. a lot of nice angles and shots, music is always enjoyable and the reactions are funny as hell. nice...
buddy you're reported. i synced it, color corrected it, and made some transitions. that's not even my game play anyways asshole. that's my...
limit is a lie. its like a mb or something. YouTube - InfiniteWisdoms's Channel loads pretty fast the image is about 650 kb and i think the...
lol you're twelve... protip: bring batteries.
YouTube - quick edit 2 | 4 man | afghan
life. the graphics are good but the gameplay is horrible
@RST delete system 32 lol. nah you need moar RAM. open up task manager and close stuff that may be taking up a lot of ram and runnign in the...