ok... its just a man cannon facing a wall. on the other side of the wall the man cannon cant do anything. but when you throw a regen by it, it...
done this is a clip of how to do the switch: CLICK!!!!
okokok its really hard to explain so i'll make a forge map of it real quick.
yeah i used it in one of my maze maps... but idk how the regen triggers a mancannon to work. i'll show it to you on xbl right now if you want?
Yeah its not overloading its like... uh.... you have a man cannon on the ground not like standing up or anything and the man cannon is touching a...
well i think the spartan and the elite should have the same general shape of a Spartans head just looks different so it would eliminate all of...
I'm not sure if it had been already found yet but i found this very very weird thing about turning on and off man cannons using a Regenerator....
Really nice map! downloaded
This is the best obstacle course i've ever seen! Great job, really creative!
Whoa! Thats an amazing race track! Nice job!
That the best map i've ever seen on Blackout in my whole life! Nice job!
OMG great map!
Really really cool map its tilted perfectly!
last frame skips to you looking down
Yeah! you were the one that told me to go on this site in the first place! i totally forgot about that lol
Thanks again and im in the middle of a map right now maybe you can see it when its done and you can make suggestions =)
Heres mine:[IMG] Sorry its a little big because my monitor is huge
OMG THANK YOU IVORY! i did it! i didn't get it the first couple tries but it worked thanks!
Lol! they look so weird