Hello, My Xbox 360 just broke to a 1 ring red ring on the bottom right corner. Whenever I start my Xbox nothing happens. It just turns black and...
I'm 13 years old and you liked my map ='( Anyway, pretty good map, by the pics i see a lot of old stuff. I'm gonna download to see how "old...
=) Wow, looks very hard. I'm gonna download this and give it a try. From the pictures this map looks really confusing. Especially the stairs...
Sure, i'll try my best to beat your puzzle. (w007 first visitor message)
Yup, But im just gonna leave the time at the time of the video. So when i release the videos (after 5 people beat it already) it won't raise any...
I made this in like five - ten minutes. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Yes, you have the fastest time, the other person got it in about 3:42 minutes. The reason why you did it so quickly is because... 1. The tylyr...
Grats on winning! Very nice idea with the stairs and how everything is so perfect. It kinda gives it a better look. I'm gonna download this and...
That looks very, VERY good! I can't wait to play it. This is gotta be the most original map i've ever seen on forge hub. I personally think...
I do my best to make the puzzle as frustrating as possible. Did i do a good job? lol. Hit the soccerball with your sword, it restarts the spawn...
Yep, thats exactly what tylyr1 did! good luck! REMEMBER send me a message dont post in the forum.
You were the first person to beat my map, so im gonna try out yours! I'm going to DL it right now, i'll give a rating after I tried the map for a...
The position you place the lift is the case, if you put it in a certain spot it's still luck based but in that spot it increaces the chances by a...
Don't get your hopes up! Only one person beat the puzzle map in five days after the map was posted.
CONGRATULATIONS! You are the first person to ever complete this map! You are a puzzle GOD! You have been added to the top 5 people to complete...
Thanks for such a high rating! I personally don't think it will be featured just because its not as clean as all the other featured maps. Also,...
Apology accepted! Remember to download DANGER v3! And one more thing... [spoiler]
Thanks tylyr1, for helping me find all these glitches.
Can you please add more pictures? because I'm not even sure if its a whole map, or is it just that box? When you add more pics i might download...
Yes, you can have friends solve it too. You can work together BUT don't be in the same party together. Because the spawns screw up a bit and you...