This is absolutely fantastic. You're doing a great service to this community and your videos are of amazing quality, too. On behalf of ForgeHub, I...
I'm not even going to bother trying to unlock anything in Halo 4 through commendations and medals and masteries or whatever. It takes too much...
I'd report them, seeing as 343i (and any game company in general) hates boosters. About your medal: I can understand why you'd be slightly...
I agree completely. I understand why people can be disappointed with Halo 4's rendition of Forge (removal of certain nifty features) but it's...
If you're talking about the letters, I think I know what you mean. How rude! But kudos to you for noticing that, because I was looking more at the...
COOOOOOOOOOOONGRATULATIONS, Mr Dax! As if a FHF wasn't enough, you now have a Feature! Yippee! Also, a quick question to the man himself: Is...
ERGHMAHGERD, Dax! This be a secret! On a more serious note... I've pretty much given you all the feedback I think is necessary at the moment....
No, the death pits are fine the way they are. I understood the reason for them in the match we played; I just didn't do a very good job of...
I agree with everyone else on here on how much the map's changed. I played a rough build of Aerowalk and kind of exploited the top level a bit, so...
I would assume so. I don't think they have all the data of everyone who was playing at that time. If this is the case, I won't be starting again,...
Just downloaded this. Like I mentioned in the Preview thread, you showed me this map in its extremely early stages and I expressed my interest...
Nothing immediately jumped out at me as being broken or annoying in any way. There were two little things I noticed, though: the first was the...
Either Rockets or OS will be fine. If a player sees an OS spawn they won't mind going for it, because when they pick it up they gain brief...
Hey. I'm just out to walk my dog now so I'll give you feedback on <ERGHMAHGERD ITZ A SECRET!!!!!1> when I get back.
Congratulations to all the winners! Every one was totally deserving. Now that the contest's over and the winners can finally decide if their map...
Your comment about population is irrelevant. What a lot of people don't realise is that 343i are exceptionally honest when it comes to who is...
Pooooooo. I suppose you're right. I guess I was getting too involved in the complete and utter fairness side of things instead of thinking to...
I don't know where you're going with this. Do you mean Fire does 2x damage against Grass? If so, think about it this way... Fire beats Grass....
This made me laugh. I agree that it looks a bit weird, but I had the same opinion when all of the Unova Pokemon were announced. Most of them...
Name of map: Not yet decided. Constraints: 1)Include four tiers, with a central lift taking you from the bottom tier to the top tier. 2)Include...