Welcome! I'm relatively new here as well. Looking forward to seeing you around. =)
Friendly assholes? Sounds like my kind of place. :D
The largest size I have it in is 100x100: http://i40.tinypic.com/16gyl5i.png
I like that Bungie isn't giving out a lot of information, that way I'm not going to be extremely disappointed if they only spend time talking...
BR all the way. If I'm ever using an AR, it's just a short spray, followed up by a melee.
Dark Knight, Iron Man, Eagle Eye, and Step Brothers are the only good ones I remember watching.
-CD/DVD Burner -RAM -Xbox 360 -Halo 3 -The Orange Box -Halo: Combat Evolved -Family Guy Tshirt -John Deere Tshirt Those are the things that I can...
No surprise here. Great game, can't wait till I have the money to buy it. =)
Damn, I can't even follow that guide. D= I'm 16.
Hey there guys, I'm Lincoln. I'm horrible at introductions, so I'm gonna stick with the five Step Plan. =P Lincoln is my real name, and I'm not...