V2 IN PROGRESS, ANY THOUGHTS WILL BE USED UPDATES: INTERLOCKING Removing The maulers. Changing the 'base' layout' Please understand that i can...
you go into forge, goto the vechile you want to make turret(something) less, start a new round and when the screen goes balck press A, rember...
hey, i iz keeping you forge update post on b.net alive, put some of the new idea's on
headlong was my favourate map, i miss that fellow, *sniff, sniff
i think you should make little boxes around the ship where the attackers could shoot them and then have a contious explosion, apart from that i <3...
maybe if u have enogh room u could make a mini roller-coster, that would be awsum!!! very good map, good interlocking/geo-merging dl as soon as i...
i will download as soon as i get my xb back, it broke :(, yes a definate YES!
Wheelman Worthog White, Black, Black, Black, White Tnx
nice that looks good, some good battles. The video is ok makes your battles look a bit dull, next time put some more pics, a weapon list maybe, 3/5
the porche carrea gt, I <3 it
just wondering how many peeps have had the RROD i just got it and hav to send it off tomoz
i'll give it a 3/5 because its a lil' scruffy and short but apart from that well done :)
i think you should add a needler at each base 1 clip and 30 respawn, apart from that well done great map, i'll download as soon as my xbox is fixed
Thanks for The Help!
This Is the story of My map: One day a group of marines where on a routine patrol Voi, but soon a group of very scary zombies apeared at the top...