Yes it is true they are all based off of reptiles but through the past there have been many scarey and out of this world reptiels like dinos....
Gamertag: Chemical Wasp Times you can get on: About two hours every day at least normally on in the afternoon and night Est time Mic yes/no?: Yes...
it could be possible there were diffrent types dipending on there habitat because take owls for example there are many diffrent types that live in...
I think that if the goverment had found life they would not tell the pubic it would cause a huge uproar for the public there would be people who...
I have been wondering could Dragons or a creature similar to them ever have existed because In acnicent texts there is mentions of creaturs that...
I think that if humans were ever to build robots with the ability to act and think like humans. They would have to be treated like us to aviod a...
This map looks amazing! I will DL for sure I would give you a 4/5 because I have not seen anything like it. You can play with just yourself if you...
I agree you need to make it look more like an actual building and also why dont you make some objects like a bathroom, living room, ect to make it...
I'm almost done my map eight sided
I suggest that you build a giant ramp and then have there seprate ramps that lead off in diffrent directions that you can land on from the jump of...
This is the best skate park I have ever seen koodos to you! I extremley like the half pipe. 5/5. Please make many more skate parks
I think personally that they should remake all the maps from Halo CE and Halo 2 because most of them were awsome to play on and it is always nice...
Two way mirrors would be so cool but game play on that map would be a lot diffrent and there are also alot of things to consider about that map....
Im intrested I am more of the idea person cause I get these awsome ideas and I go to forge and i just cant get it to work. But I am I am mature...
This map was awsome. Ever time I play it I am scared shitless. I would give it a 4.5/5. I have never played with ten people on this map I want to...
Duel of Fates was an amazing map. I love star wars so this map i would say gets a 5/5 from me. I am still looking for that mauler. P.S if you...
I have to say Duck hunt was awsome It mad me laugh really hard cause I sucked at duck hunt when it was in reyro style and i ant to good now but...
The rock climbing wall is creative I have never seen anything like it. I spent hours and hours with my friends trying to get to the top it was...