the bases need to have more put into them there to simple it takes away from the rest of the map 3/5 because it is pretty good and is really clean
nice looking map I really like the bases though I would think about making a v2 where there is only one base for defending for one flag while the...
if you are going to make a remake I would recomend making it way neater because people like to see neatness and similarity especially in remakes
nice looking map but you did'nt say what gametype its for. But from the looks off it I think it would be great for free for all 4/5
Definitly get rid of man cans and put in mex jump so u can go in at diffrent angles to make it more intresting 2/5 because i have seen it done so...
ok firsts thing first this should really be in the halo forge disscusion board because it is a work in progress not a finished map2. I thing it is...
practice is all it takes not some fourm on how to be better no offense I think these are a waste of time because it takes more than just knowing...
no offense but taking lessons for halo makes no sense you are either good or you are not the only way to get better is to practice by playing...
Good looking map for your first but you need to more specific about what is for a certian type of gametype or just bungie defaluts also I would...
Nice looking map look very well done for the little merging done from the picture i see but looks like it would not need it anyways
you need to merge cause it looks like you did'nt spend time
I agree you need to spend more time on your map there is no rush people can wait the concept looks good but needs to be cleaned up. One thing I do...
Ok stop defending your friend it is only constructive critisism jeez and besides ot dose need work when people play remakes they want it to feel...
good idea but sorry to tell you its not fair to call dibs cause you havn't even made it you know people can have the same idea. Besides most...
nice map but you need to edit the map because some of the blocks once there you slide off mabey im just retarded but that is my opinion cause i...
I agree also it would be nice to see an infection like gametype on this map because you could do alot like go down into the crypt and just call...
By far the best race map I've played. All I can say is you better be making more because if you did'nt I would cry. ROFL
looks pretty good I really like the idea of a starting line that cannot be crossed till 20 seconds that was a great idea so people cant get a head...
Yeah it is
A couple of my friends and I have decided to have a mini game night to hounor the realse of mythic lol. We will be playing mainly mythic map...