i want to take a budget glitched map and unglitch it. is there any way to do that, or would i have to completely remake it on an unglitched...
i appreciate the comments, both the praise and the criticism (you cant have one without the other). as with every map, the walls can always be a...
Overthrow Created by Th3 Jim Reaper my first published map :) Supported Gametypes: Reccommended for slayer and team slayer. king of the hill,...
ask the kid if he/she wants to be murdered. personally, i would wait 18 years or so until the child reaches the age where he/she is an adult and...
playing this map makes it feel like someone switched my controls to inverted legacy, i didnt think a map could be this disorienting, but it is....
i have been very unimpressed with most zombie maps ive seen, as gameplay usually consists of either spawnkilling zombies with turrets or 10...
some of them are pretty funny, but every fail montage always has just one to many filler/stupid clips
default foundry has a decent layout, but the weapon placement blows chunks (2 snipers and a rocket in the back vs a bruteshot and a battle rifle...
small world, i noticed you posted this map on the mlg forums yesterday, and downloaded it then. havent had a chance to play it yet, but ill try...
chrome seems to freeze up constantly and doesnt play nice with videos at all. i do love the layout, the homepage, and the the way the address bar...
its not a sport, its a competetion. like throwing darts. theres simply not enough physical activity for the people to be considered athletes
since xboxes only last about 6 months for me, my current one several months overdue for a death. right now it locks up occassionally during...
hiding isnt cheating. in halo, you are placed in an arena, for 10 minutes or 50 kills (whichever comes first) and you are allowed to use your...
i introduced halo to my youngest brother when he was about 6 years old, he enjoyed running through the campaigns, trying to get out of the maps,...
resident evil 5!!!
how about an armor hacker? kind of combines the radar jammer, powerdrainer and trip mine together. when dropped it sits on the ground until...
i personally dont want any more remakes from bungie, because each remake gets progressively more dissapointing. blackout and avalanche are...
Re: Gradient - A completely unique map? its too small to actually play on, but is the best example of the power forge gives to a dedicated,...
very impressive, i havent seen another foundation remake where the designer put in the the rooms, and youve managed to squeeze them in while...