Looks pretty good from the pics, I'll give it a DL ^_^
Love your sig. "File Share: Check out my maps, they don't suck." LOL
I agree, 3 minutes does sound pretty long, and I am quite curious how you have it set up for them to escape. ^_^
**ATTENTION Please do not double post AND make a topic only with your title in it. This is a huge consideration of SPAM on Forgehub. Please...
Looks really good, I'll DL ^_^
**ATTENTION Congrats! This map is now apart of bungie's favorites! Download it this week under the start menu! (Thought I would just notify...
Looks pretty good, I'll give it a DL. :)
Looks complicated for some people, but well made with a very great idea! I'll DL :)
Looks pretty nice, a little open, but I'll give it a DL ^^
**ATTENTION! This map has already been posted here! Please do not double-post maps! Thanks! Moose
LOL, TY! :) Hope you enjoy!
LOL, it is quite amusing. Zombies can't be spawned killed, the humans have a good chance at surving but can't camp well, but can def. play a good...
Looks a little small, but pretty good from 3 pics. Maybe an inside view of the church would be cool too. I'll DL.
It is biast free for the 10th time :P The armory is very limited and too small to camp in, the bridges on the vehicle side are possibly the worst...
Read the other posts i made!! :P THIS MAP IS BIAST FREE! lol Also, the tank is mostly the first to go, and one of the easiest to kill. It...
They all look different in their own way. I'll DL all 3 and test em out :).
I like the concept, you may use the strong weapons, but are very limited to their use. I think it is quite a funny idea. Looks nice from the...
Looks very good. Why is this your last map? I'll DL. ^_^
Looks pretty good. I'll DL and test it out. ^_^ I completely AGREE!!!! Interlocking isn't everything, it is the map itself and how fun it is to...
DEFINATELY goes by the HONOR RULE which kind of sucks. Otherwise, looks nicely made, maybe when in a party of trustworty friends we could try it...