Thanks! :)
**ATTENTION This post does not follow the basic/required map format for posting. Please edit to the correct template. Please look at this...
Hey everyone! I just wanted to inform everyone that I may not be on as much as I usually am. My home laptop computer crashed on Tuesday, right...
Well if you do DL I know you'll change you mind! :) No matter what type of games you like, you'll enjoy this map for sure ^_^
I like both versions! Can be alot of fun, some like it and some don't, but I think it is pretty good, and v2 is definately much cleaner! I wish...
Thanks, hope you like it! :) 30+ DLs!
Wow V1 was fun, this looks even funner! :)
Ok, Enjoy! :) Feel free to comment after testing it out! :) LOL, did you read the quotes? :P It is suppose to be like that XP. Enjoy the map...
Not BS at all. The walls and shield doors were placed in there positions for strategic reasons, this also includes a few other strategic points I...
Thanks! Hope you enjoy, feel free to comment after testing a few times. ^_^
Thanks, sounds like you might enjoy Pulse. Pulse relates to paintball but is yet different at the same time.
Well if you do decide to DL, I hope you enjoy. Pulse is a map of its own, like all my maps. I never try to use the same 'style' as other maps, and...
This map has been tested and player on countless times. Gravity is lower, and the only gernades available are spikes. I almost forgot and edited...
The map was made this way purposely. It is perfectly symmetrical, and the walls and shield doors were placed like this purposely for the design...
[IMG] Created by: LuckoftheMoose DOWNLOAD --PULSE-- Pulse is a competitive map with supplied game variants. It is a map located on FOUNDRY....
Welcome to ForgeHub! :)
Ah, he direct linked the only picture available. Also, please look through the link I gave you, it will tell you how to post images. A basic...