Map needs more 45 degree angles. looks pretty square.. parden my words :p
All I have to say is.. too bad xbox one doesn't give you beer :/
It's been a wild ride Hushy poop! Can't wait to finish this behemoth of a map ;)
This map looks great!! Nice job bud :)
Nice map! May be better for large 2v2's and FFA's? Hit me up when you get a game on it!
I noticed the bulletin too paints.. Im still depressed that customs still are fixed and I thought we agreed to stop working on the infection stuff...
Neew version of Pharos..........? ;)
What I mean is it only the winners or are runner-ups considered?
I like the map dude!! I think prisoners a great map too! Cant wait to test this out!
Thats the best news ive heard in a long time! Is the map list decided?
So remember that 1v1 tournament that was suppose to happen after that 1v1 forge contest? yeah......... Is it ever going to happen!!!!
Spawn killing is gay ;)
The screams of those that lived here can still be heard. For use with the Hivemind gametype.