I think this map is very interesting in design. I love the way verticality works on here! The center of the map is very segmented and flows well....
What would you say are the top three things you'll judge the maps on?
:( No.. thats where maps are posted when done... no one gives real feedback there. Im taking about a work in progress thread where maps are...
Is there a place you can post maps and people with test and give feedback on them?
Looks a little different ;)
The maps theme looks outstanding!! Really want to try this out!
The map looks cool! Add me and we'll get some tests on it!
I really liked this when you showed it to me!! Sorry i wasn't there this weekend to test.. Hit me up soon and we'll test it!!!
Looks really interesting! Add me and we'll give her a test! :)
Another version perhaps :P
Play it.. then come tell me what I gotta change ;)
Sometimes great things come in small packages ;)
Why would I do that?
CANADIAN ECHO submitted a new map: Dank - Ready to get Danky with it! Competitive 1v1. Read more about this map...
Competitive 1v1.
True... but thats a 4v4 max..... mines a 8v8 ;) I'll see what i can do thou :p
It's getting close to 500 objects :/ maybe in halo 5 ;)
CANADIAN ECHO submitted a new map: Redrock - Let the red consume you..... [IMG][/URL] [IMG][/URL] [IMG][/URL] [IMG][/URL] Read more about...
Multi-flag, King of the Hill and Territories.
You've got a pretty cool forging style. Hit me up sometime and well play this!You've got a pretty cool forging style. Hit me up sometime and well...