Not nesccecarily poor play. And the fact that Gilbert Arenas (FB's Sponsor) bribed neighbor for $15000 to come play for final boss. I wouldve...
The reasons all your sigs look like crap when your done is, your not saving it as .PNG , That gives it so much more quality. Go back to the .psd...
If they cant work together, it wont be good. Probably less or more Trash Talking. IDK if this is a good thing.
Yes Its official Discuss the article: Final Boss Drops Walshy Quote: Ripples were sent across the competitive gaming world today with the...
I was tlking to my parents about this awhile ago. They said that this is just a bunch of bs. I still believe it gonna happen, but they said that...
This is a piece of cake, as long as I dont get accused of ripping again. I HATE RIPPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
If lone wins...
Beat Metal gmv. I remember when he was just a little photoshopper <:).
Nice Sig :X
[IMG] Who didnt love Pokemon?
Pretty Coolll
Hmmm... I cant believe you did that. you really need to get an Xbox.
I never usually use brushes, unless im making H3 Avatars awesome.
I really dont even see how that is a sig.
I thought I just made one for you, lol.
Just like Ghost of Lockout and all those other things. Your games arent haunted...
I say you were walking out on a tower catwalk type thing, then you fell off the end because you didnt see the edge?
So do you want it to say "Mortarion at the bottom" or "Mortarion" at the bottom of the sig.
Is it edited at all?
You got it man. [IMG] [EDIT] Here you are.