Not much lol.
Are you sure that isnt photoshopped?
Welcome back, have fun on the forums, and were doing a 2v2 torunament soon.
Yeah these are not very good ideas, so you find a weapon, so what. You should try to make something on the maps.
Yeah, it just seems like something exploded but, I guess its ok.
I pretty much like them all, theyre very good.
Go to halo 2, and then challenge me to a match of 1v1. Youll think my BR is autimatic.
WTF is RO? Probably a sex joke.
The first screenshot should be called "The Gangsta"
Very nice, and about the "1" ratings, its just jealouse people who think its funny.
Very nice, +Rep for the tornado coolness.
Thats wierd, I played on this map a month ago O.o
Sorry, didnt find that in search X(
Halo Games Maker to Be Independent of Microsoft Can't believe never noticed this. Found on one of the press releases back in October 2007. Look...
[IMG] This is the oldest sig I got on my photobucket right now.
Your not allowed to have rick rolls in your sig anymore, they take it out if they find it.
Usually you click the button so it switches to the other controller, thats what I used to do.
Ive never really played an online game like WoW or "runescap" or whatever.
Its still cool, and you are very smart.
Maybe its too big in file size, or its been disabled for you.