Thanx, usually I just make sigs about anything that pops into my mind. I played the demo the day before, so I made one. Also I make about 10-12...
Wow, I started a chain lol.
I forgot about him, but I think Zerosun is a bit better.
Lol, Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket Sign up and post it there. Its easy.
1. Zerosun 2. Plug 3. TDH 4. Ravn 5. Reynbow
[IMG] Yoshimitsu. Comment and Critique.
Hey, do you got an AIM?
exactly, there arent any haze renders, and I didnt have to do much to make it look good, It was a great stock. And also i didnt know it ahd been...
My guy is blue. Yellow is the detail. Blue secondary.
[IMG] New game thats coming out. I thought this looked good. Comment and Critique.
Thats not fair, his avatar is above how much we can uplpoad.
There just immature, and they think that Halo is only for boys. Im suprised they all didnt start hitting on you. Thats what they do to most girls.
Kinda a necro-post.
Why thank you. Its pretty easy to do.
I think that they are.
How could you top that?
Thanks, it just takes a lot of practice ;)