I am going to make the Roman Colosseum in Foundry. To make the best map possible for players, I would like to know the features you would like to...
You bring up a good point. Immigrants shouldn't have to be forced to learn a language, but should have the option to take a class once they...
This is an interesting topic. The use of robotics in warfare is a very... far fetched concept. It does benefit us, but like always, it has it's...
Yes we should. English is a wide spoken language in the U.S. Although the United States is based off immigration, we should have a national...
I would accept the theory of evolution before I would accept creationism. Evolution is backed up with many facts, as for creation, the bible....
Fantastic sig. I'm really looking forward to this game. From the looks of it so far, it seems like it has the potential to be on par with Halo....
Hi there. I'm new to Forge Hub, and I'm here because I'm terrible at making maps. I'm on the Bungie.net forums too by the way. The Flood.
I have a lot of techno here. And classical. Username: CityStaticX