I would make you one, but my photoshop trial expired. Take a screenshot of your profile. From there, you can add text, graphics, picture, et...
Yeah, I got a picture of Chief, resized it and added color effect. Then I put my username.
Well, it's not bad. It's pretty simplistic. I understand you just threw something together, but you could have done a little more with it....
Not bad. Great use of color, and the city skyline is magnificent. One thing I would have done differently is use a more modern font, but other...
Hey community. Feel free to post a visitor message.
What's up? I'm new here, and I noticed you have a ton of friends, so add me as please. You'll be my first friend on the forums. :)
Good idea. I have had some videos ruined by copyright, and I usually acknowledge the artist. Sucks I know, but the copyright law might work in...
They seem the same to me, what's the difference?
Nice detail, and I'm a big fan of Turok. The color matches well with the Turok theme as well.
The mongooses replace the ghosts.
Thanks for your help guys.
What's a respawn area and how do I spawn it in a cylindrical shape?
Well, you never know. You could be an internet predator. Nah, Just Kidding. But yeah, some people can be idiots.
I'm going to forge the Colosseum, but I need help on making it round. I don't know how to round all the boxes to make a perfect arena. Is there...
How do I circle the boxes around Foundry into an arena formation?
Trust me guys, this will be something like you've never seen before.
Hard to believe you think the world will end because the Mayan calendar does. Even if the are correct (which I doubt the will be), they never...
May I ask how you got the boxes perfectly symmetrical? It looks as if it's a perfect circle. What method did you use to place the boxes in the...
I don't have the mythic map pack.
I'll give it a try. By the way, to other people that say make something exciting, this isn't the only map I do. I've done a map that replicated...