I seriously doubt it caps at 500k. Once i've hit the grade of captain, i'll be at 200k savings. Thats the 11th rank. There are still 11 more to...
The last level of warrent officer is a horrid amount of credits (66k). Captain is going to take a few days to get up to, it seems. The reason I...
From what I remember reading on the bungie forums, the planet had started to be glassed by the covenant, and their sheilds were down due to that....
Unlocking the bronze commendation during campaign requires a total of 200 enemy vehicles destroyed. I'm at 129 at the moment, so it definitely...
I thought user made firefights only earn you up to 50 credits? Ah well, after playing with my friends lots last night I'm up to 115k credits....
The first link is to rank 0, which is a blank image. changing the 0 to 1 will give you the first rank, and so on.
Did some testing, if I don't complete an commendation I get 1200 points in 6 minutes on gruntpocalypse.
I've still yet to do the campaign on legendary, been making the most of lots of people online to play. My total savings so far is 81k, only 219k...
Not sure if people have thought too much in this, as its easy to earn a few thousand credits just playing with your friends in big team and...
Had a few games of MM today and the connection was PERFECT. I won't give my judgement till later tonight (7pm~) on how its going though. If it...
Thats the thing though, its /only/ H3 matchmaking that is the problem. I can stream other games for my friends, be in party chat, play other games...
Recently been playing H3, and my connection is suddenly horrid in that game. I can play all other games with a good connection, which includes...
I was an elite 100% of the time, so 3 recon never bothered me too much. Recon in reach DOES look nicer, though.
Oooh, I forgot the firefight preview was today, thanks for reminding me <3
Its worth mentioning that the surname 'brown' isn't allowed in the surname field (got the info from a friend with said last name, tested it out)...
Really liking the credits till level up bar, looks shiny. What I don't understand though, is why under MP kills it shows 55, then aside half of...
Before you taught me, I didn't even know you COULD combo with the heavy setting. I agree. Still kick your ass at brawl, though :) Turns out...
Hello, I'm Sakori, gamertag being the same name. I've never been very active when it comes to Forge, mostly because I lack to the time, skill or...