I'm glad to see you took to heart a forging tutorial, but it seems that this map is only based on that. Try working out a complex design using...
Could you please explain the trip mine, grav lift, teleporter combination?
Welcome to the Hub of Forging, please note the exits on your right and left and keep your seatbelt fastened whenever the seatbelt on sign is lit.
This map does not meet the posting guidelines. Please read this topic to find out how to post your maps properly and effectively.
I'm surprised no one has given him this yet: This map does not meet the posting guidelines. Please read this topic to find out how to post your...
I know you may be eager to get your map posted but please refrain from doing so until you are completely prepared. Now this thread is just taking...
Re: Just try this map....You wont regret I promise This map does not meet the posting guidelines. Please read this topic to find out how to post...
The part where Travis argues with his mom is the best :D
I was about to say when I saw this at the bottom, Forge Gallery Thread can be found here and the actual site can be found here.
If I had only seen the pics I would have disregarded this as another mediocre zombies map. But that video really showed and shined the gameplay,...
It's funny TXGhost just posted a map exactly like this, or was it him? To the recent posts I go!!!!
Great post, really innovative download link you got goin there. The map itself IMO seems a bit rickety, but hear me out, Even if it is meant to be...
Not really but are you really going to take the time to do this yourself? It's really more of a convenience than a great map. It's not like I'm...
omg I can't wait for the Team snipers playlist, that'll be like all I play. Nice montage, that was a sweet killtastrophe, I could tell you were...
Nice montage, I didn't think anyone else listened to Rock and Roll Soldiers. Oh btw, what editing program did you use?
I see that you are already working on making the pics bigger, but please don't double post. That is one crime that we ask you do not commit, for...
Props on the map dude, that looks sweet. It kid of reminds me of that level in GoW campaign. Although I recommend a little less shield door, IMO.
Wow, topic resurrection much. Just to make this not spam, I shall review the map. It looks pretty cool but I don't really see a whole lot of...
Sweet, I really liked version 1 of this map. I guess you would like me to post this on Forge Gallery, am I right?
Re: Fall Back With Pictures And Video You should really rename your topic, you need not put "with pics" because all threads here should have...