Ooh so you're basically taking the names, not going with the little plot I thought up? Okays. Nevermind about the outline of episodes 2-4.
If you set one does it effect the whole map? Is it like an area if someone walks into it their view changes? I'm confused.
I scaped for a while, 'bout it.
Meh, if you're serious about it, I can basically give you an outline of Episode 2,3, and 4. Well, general idea of what could be in each.
Sounds a bit like Grif Ball, but it is easier to get to the other side due to man cannons. Yes, there are turrets but some moron will take it off...
This topic confuses me, highly.
Hey hey hey, I just gave you guys a plot to go off of. Do what you can do, I'll cast if you want, but I'm not writing the rest of the story. I...
Meh, will take some getting used to. Where is my font editing option? I can Bold, change color, ect. but I can't enter a certain font.
Quit whining, if you read the update, they said they are still working.
Umm I don't know... For like episodes 2 and 3 we could have the Spartans tracking down their brother some how and coming close to getting him,...
Hmm if you honestly want to do this, I can set you up with something to break off of: Okay, first, it will show previous battles, like fight...
I am NOT directing. I know basically nothing about it. I'll cast I guess.
I know what you're talking about!
I don't know it just kind of, BAM! Was just thinking and it was there.
Wow, an idea just smacked me in the face, I just thought of a plot for a movie! (Machinima) For centuries, the Covenant Elites had fought the 5...
No, you are. Thinking AR is better than a BR.
No, it's just plain and simple.
BR > AR 'Nuff said.
What?... Why would I want to play like you?