How do you guys know all this stuff? Only thing I know that well is like sports.
Hey I'm not on there. I filled out the form but you might have missed me.
Are you still going through with the tournament?
Ranked: 1 Kill with a cone 1 Rampage 5 Perfections 36 Steaktaculars 10 Running Riots 474 Double Kills 1079 Beatdowns This was done within 555...
FH Username: Insanedrone822 GamerTag:Insanedrone822 Halo 3 Rank and highest skill: Brigadier/46 Legendary Maps: No
I know hardly anything about MLG (actual tournaments and such), but I had heard Final Boss in Halo 3 was like equivalent to Tiger Woods in Golf....
Was about a Sketchup phase Forge Hub went through for like 2 weeks. Everyone was basically making things off of Google Sketchup. People suggested...
Interesting to say the least.
I've kind of slowed down on posting because I haven't been able to play Halo 3 in like a week and a half. My X-Box got the RROD.
I have Vent. :) Used it for a game called RuneScape. I still get on to talk to some old friends.
Sometimes it gets REALLY cold in the room I play in, and then I just suck, badly. Or if it's really late at night, I start to do bad.
I'm still sticking to my BR. Thank you.
Haven't touched it yet. Probably won't for a while because I got the horrid RROD.
Something by A7X. They've got **** on GH by them, bring'em to Rock Band!
Don't know, I just absolutely hate that map with a passion. A long with Epitaph, yet I do REALLY good on it. Look at my Career Stats, Ranked,...
Okay, you said they go off to find where the Elites took Seargent Jackson. Yet they have NO IDEA what elites attacked. I still like the idea...
Yeah, Rejecting You. I'm 47 or 48 in Team Slayer, I think 43 in Double Team, around 25 in MLG, and other random things are up, like 20 something...
Me. Add me. I want to get 50, I'm 47 or 48.
Anything by Avenged Sevenfold. They own my top 25 along with a few other random artists, maybe 4?
I'm in the middle of making a mini-game type thing.