Nope, I don't. I'm not in the 2v2.
I have like a 10% Ghost Jump completion rate on the two ghost jumps down near the yellow lift on Guardian. The little slots next to the lift, you...
Battle Rifle, obviously. It's uncommon to find me not with one.
It varies. When I have my BR I'm usually a 3, if I pick up a Sniper, I immediately change it to 1. (It takes like 2 seconds)
Give Afterlife by Avenged Sevenfold a try. Everything is pretty easy, except the end of the solo.
I think it would be a good idea. We would get the what, veteran 'Hubbers, what wave would it be? Like the 8th wave of new comers? Anyways, you...
Wow, yeah I would be willing to pay for that. What if you could "tint" objects Red or Blue? Like you could "tint" walls, boxes, etc. a slight...
Hmm, I see we have a troll here at Forge Hub, eh? [IMG]
Are we aloud to bump? If so, I just did.
I was debating with myself to make it multiple game types but that would require a lot more work and I just wanted to get the map out and ease my...
Couldn't think of a name, so I looked in a magazine and the first word I saw was Warped.
There isn't much to show lol. The top is practically all symmetrical except for the side with the stairs and I basically covered the bottom.
Heh, you should have seen it in the testing stage. 2v2 = FRAGS EXPLODING EVERYWHERE Plus everyone had a BR. There are now two BR's instead of 4....
.:Warped:. Asymmetric map created by Rejecting You (Insanedrone822) : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing .:Why?:. I...
What's your name? I'm active in Off-Topic.
I'll be waiting.
Do what Zolton said, but you could place a random grenade somewhere in the level. I doubt they will find it.
Is Hype on Legendary Map Pack? Because I don't have it.
Like 3 people didn't even know it started, the guy wasn't clear on when it was starting anyways.
It started?