I tried to make it as obvious as I possibly could that I was being sarcastic- I was pretending to not know what Forge was on a Forge Hub forum,...
Where did you find that information? I tried looking for Bungie's page explaining whether or not the DMR was hitscan, because the forums gave...
Wait a second, that sounds like a novel idea! I think Bungie should consider it, but how would they block it? Why would there even be such a long...
I did not think that it would resolve latency issues, but I thought that it would force a player to lead depending exactly on what the player sees...
I made a post in another thread with no feedback for a week, yet I found this topic interesting and decided to ask forumgoers in a new thread,...
I think that both AAs and equipment can be incorporated into H4 matchmaking, and that it would be foolish to not include all of the retro options...
In custom games, you have the chance to ask players that already agreed to play whether or not they want to follow honor rules and boot those that...
I don't know, but even if it was less random than it is now, I doubt that there could be a system that punishes anyone who doesn't want to get...
How is it ironic that Halo 2's custom games "infection" relied heavily on honor rules?
Of course it's unfair once someone gets to a spot like that, but it's fair between/amongst the humans at the start. He just happened to be more...
Tull is Jethro Tull. Check out Aqualung, To Cry You a Song and Cat's Squirrel if you're interested.
The more I think about this possible theme, the more I think that it must have been done, but has anyone seen a lava themed map yet? With the red...
Mr greenwithagun- What weapons and/or vehicles did the defenders have? That sounds like the most interesting 1st phase I've heard of. Perhaps with...
Thanks Silentraine for the detailed feedback-you answered all of my questions, and now my first post is resolved. I've used a lot of 4x4 blocks...
Thanks for the links and the feedback. I hope that the ocean lag is manageable, because I would have to abandon the entire map otherwise. The map...
I read on this site that frame rate lag is caused by the number of objects on screen at a time, but I also read from an Invasion source that one...
. The most obvious things about bloom are that at close range an increase in the bloom setting does not weaken the dmr and that other close range...
64 players could get too chaotic. In order to prevent players from congregating and focusing their firepower (an effective tactic that would...