Looks great! This reminds me of a SLiK or Spectac map. Very clean and looks like it will be very fun. Nice work. I will be looking forward to...
Yeah, I was reading this on Bungie just before. Everything sounds really epic. This game is going to have something for everyone. Game of the year...
Yeah, I have a suggestion. Why don't you come up with a name for the map instaed of "this is a test map". It looks ok. Kind of basic. I probably...
I am sure Reach will have Forge. Bungie is not stupid. They are probably waiting to reveal the information after the Beta. They don't want to...
Um, this just sounds like a racetrack with some bells & whistles thrown in. I like F-Zero as well. Why not just make a regular track and take it...
Yes. The killballs are on late spawn.
Sandy Corners Created By: x DREAM 76 x Gametype Supported: Four Corners Recommended Players: 10-16 Sandy Corners is my reinvention of the...
What help? You still didn't fix your post. You need to embed at least on pic or video.
Nice Spam. Why is this map called MLG? I get the popcorn idea. I just don't know how it has anything to do with MLG. Looks fun from the pics. I...
Why did you name this Halo Reach. Just to get people attention and hope they will DL this? You need to embed at least one of your pics. [IMG]...
I feel you on this man. Unfortunately half the world is still ignorant, and will probably always be so. It's tough to change what has been...
Nah, if I was implying that, I would have said that. I am just stating that this idea has been done a million times. That's not a bad thing. I...
Yeah, I have played several target practice maps and I really like the idea. Your map looks a bit simple but I am sure it suits it's purpose. This...
Waterworks, Coagulation & Ivory Tower.
Yeah, I invented this game. It was originally called BasketBrawl. I made it shortly after Halo came out. I then made another version on Foundry....
One life for the zombie team? I am sorry but this is probably a failed idea. So your saying that if your a zombie and you die, you have to wait...
I could make this map in my sleep in five seconds. No, I can make this after I have already died. This has to be the most simple minded map I have...
I actualy really like it. I have not had a chance to play a lot of live games. That may be why I don't find it boring yet. I have played a few...
I don't have to worry about school because I am out of school. However, I have a full time job. I can easily just take the day off because I have...
I would say get rid of it. This is a Halo/Forge web site. The debates were not really debates. It was moslty people trying to sound smarter than...