NO! We need to bring forgeguide back! i loved forgeguide! it was so much fun! but now i dont like it because it feels too big! i like forgeguide...
Hey! Everyone is here! i thought i was the only forgeguider! glad to be back
Great! This map is excellent, and i can see myself playing oddball there or assult. Superb map, will put on queue
Help? Where are the pictures? nobody is going to download if they cant see what it looks like. POST SOME PICS PLEASE!
Simple There are quite a few ways to do this, i have a particular few ways that i find the easiest. 1. Swords, wait till two are clashing, get...
What? Nobody else is obsessed enough to take pictures of this guy... i dont even know who he is. also btw, its snake not snack
Woah... THIS IS AMAZING! this is the most original idea yet, and i think that you should keep this in your file share. this is the best map ive...
Nice! i like the map a lot, and good job on your first post! I HAVE A PROBLEM!!! ONLY EVERY OTHER POST GOES TWOARDS MY POST COUNT!!! HELP!!!
Sweet Looks like a lot of fun, ill put it on my Queue right away!
Woah. This is a stunning picture, you should see if Bungie will favorite it. I am still wondering... is the ghosts on the ramp after you defeat...
Cool, but... huh? Its cool, but you need a more high quality picture, and take that guy in the back-round out. He's going to assassinate you!