cool that sounds cool, but can i have more suggestions, ive been thinking, and havent come up with much. they all suck...examples:Evon the yukon,...
I was thinking of making a new gamertag, but it has to be original (no #'s) and if i decide to do it, i need all you guys to avoid me for my...
Obvious. Arbiter no questions asked. he is just so bad ass and was awesome in Arby n chief also, whos nickname is ARBY? COOLEST EVAH!
lol! That stinks! hey, he is the 8th fastest swimmer in the world! now you can be proud of your country for getting 8th lol
Ahhh!!! Oh f*ck i was afraid of this. now we are all going to get infected by something and i will have to be legend. GOD! why did you create...
If you guys watched the news last night at 11pm eastern standard time, then you saw this. Michael phelps beat cavic by .01 seconds with those...
wow... Can he even afford a hand? it was probably so cold too! he deserved for 1hr longer... he must be really lonely. THIS IS WHY CHINA SHOULDNT...
Best Song Evah! Choose this song! its epic as an intro, and is awesome! its about 5:00 and is called: drumroll please... *drumroll starts*...
ooh! This would work great with teams of 3 with hornets, and let the people on the side have fuel rods and rockets! then you could also have the...
ooh! thats sick to see the pictures! i feel so bad! im surprised he just didnt black out. he must be strong(well duh!)
Unfortunately, just today, in a serious skating accident, i sprained my right wrist,(most of my right arm is f*cked up) and really scratched my...
Lulz! This is funny! hes all getting ready for the 3rd heat and all and then he realizes...OH F*CK! THE SECOND HEAT!
Awesome movie. I thought it was a very good and thought out movie. my favorite part is the pencil trick! lol! Wana see a magic trick? NO!...
Almost! Actually super, you are right and wrong. they spent more than $300,000,000 just on the opening ceremony, and then more than $200,000,000...
TNT polo? What is this TNT polo? could you explain this to me? and also, why are u on FH if u dont play halo anymore? just more questions to the...
Hahahahaaaa! This is hilarious! nobody even saw the girl unless you watched on TV, and they didnt do any close ups on her face during the TV...
confused how do i download the pics to my comp? i need to download, but bungie is gay, where do i download?
interesting. sounds like a complicated map, like a rube goldberg, which would take a long time to make, pm me if u wana make, i could help, i...
good ideas! X games would be awesome, but what games could we do? We could do boxing, and make a ring and make it be like sword and 3 hits to...
Can we make a new sport in halo 3? i was thinking of something, but i know that most are gone. like we cant do soccer, basketball, paintball and...