Fail please, do, go kill yourself. really. this is dumb, and will NOT work! (someone multi quote me, we'll make a chain)
mabye or mabye your dad was just really unlucky!
i broke it i broke it skateboarding, not with my XBOX controller lulz
OH teh noes! i broke my wrist! remember how i thought i sprained it? well, no, and for the last 3 weeks, i had a broken wrist, then i got a cast...
its okay, Sorry to say, but this is a cool looking pic, but not hard to do, just go B/W and then get an energy sword while flying into another...
I think i know... this has happened to me on all of my canvas maps, and for me, what works is just simply, changing the settings back and forth...
A good one as well another good map is the new grifball map, Grl08ball i think its called, go check my fileshare for it, its really good, and...
kind of... There is a page that can show you what objects go in certian maps, but not all objects go in all maps, each map has a specific set of...
Pretty good. this is a nice idea, but does not seem to have one thing...what is it missing...INTERLOCKING! nothing here is interlocked, and it...
not quite... i dont think that this is a camera, i think this is actually a better wifi conntecter, the touch has an amazing wifi connection, and...
Exactly. lemme go read the rating now. *picks up halo 3* Halo 3: Rated M-mature=17+ in age: Blood and gore Mild language and Violence....
Sports You could think of doing some sort of sport. halo can always use a new sport, just think hard. and you could also do a bumper cars thing...
okay guys! i want to know if you like Dinosaurs (elites) or humans better in halo 3. im gunna vote for humans. the dinosaurs look cool and all....
Everyone was prasing the PS3 because it has free online capabilities. not really. In every game, they want you to pay $1-$10 just for a new...
Kind of, Jans, the only reason that phelps won was purely because of his long arms. he was behind him and yes, i agree that the win was phelps....
Oh teh noes! that really stinks bill! but that could also be from overheating, therefore making the disc drive slowly expand and go to normal...
Wonderful. thank you so much. i will keep all those links. thank you so much. great refrences. just what i was looking for.
Good idea! I like that idea a ton. researching halo 3 to find a name of one of the spartans or something would be great. however, i do not...
New idea! i dont know if this is already being used but... "yeah we like waffles" FTW! YouTube - DO YOU LIKE WAFFLES?!
not really If you avoid someone, and say that you are avoiding them for an unpleasent gamertag, XBox live will let you change it for free. then...