I'm actually not sure what I was trying to say. It was unfortunately lost along with the rest of the ideas I was trying to jumble.
My niggaa!
Or, you could just make an "other" section. I'm in.
You're talking about other drugs, not marijuana. But I can see what you are saying. Why walk to the ocean when we got a great ****ing pond...
Nothing, there is no harm in compromising your morality to feel good. Infact, not feeling good is compromising my morality. I know how you feel,...
Thats your problem. Tell your parents that you are a blossoming flower, who needs room to grow.
Maybe I should add, not be an idiot. Because most of those activities you'd have to be an idiot to be arrested.
Drive recklessly, go to parties, go to a E-Rave, Smoke weed, Drink alcohol, go to college parties, collect stamps, **** a prostitute, involve...
I know no one wants to hear it, but marijuana is actually a great way to be able to get to sleep. Just pick up a ****ing hobby and you'll be...
You all just proved my point. You're growing, it happens. Welcome to adulthood.
Would you happen to be on any prescribed or "friendly prescribed" drugs? If so fatigue, and drug addiction may be your problem. or: you just...
Ok just to clarify, the only time I skip class is either: 1) Theres a sub 2) I've got more important work to do 3) Im too high (no such thing and...
God I can't ever remember having to be FORCED to go to class. **** i'm happy im in High School.
are you guys in highschool? I mean, if you really are that tired you understand you could just skip right?
4 laps. Today I went to school, blazed, doing homework now. Regular monday I suppose.
Pics or it didnt happen.
Nothing is worse than auditory hallucinations.
Or, or: You could be over analyzing things. Cluttering your brain with useless information, I mean not useless in like it doesn't matter because...
unless you really are that smart it will barely even put in a dent. :-/
i want all of you to know that your scholarships will most likely not pay through all of your debt study more.