Maybe you are subconsciously sticking it to the man by not putting up with forced education. Take that! for independence, GOVERNMENT.
Maybe, you should take a personal day and just think about it. Because this is probably not what you want.
Today I accidentally fail all my classes. :'(
I use Rythmbox, because when you update your iPod through Banshee, it always messes up the cover art on your iPod. Just download some skins, i'm...
am not high talked to a drug counselor she's the best. still plan on smoking. must not be working.
All of you guys are really intent on getting a certain something. Well i've made that a thing of the past. I want money for the Holidays....
If you are into drugs, or just general knowledge on drugs and how to avoid them, google 420chan freezer, click Taimapedia and then just keep...
In all honesty if you are really looking to pass the time, play a sandbox game.
all dayyyy
Tip: Jerking off with cocaine in your hands. I CANT FEEL MY ****.
Best reference. Thread is over.
Oh don't be a God damn sissy. Those night vision goggles are ****ing cool, and you know it!
a day of many firsts first time "getting goosebumps" new dealer first ever scale first ever hookah firstss
Way to go Giants, you blew it. AHAHAHA. NE <3
I agree it's unnecessary and will get you nowhere, but the way i'm reading it is that you're saying you SHOULDNT BE SAD and that's somehow made...
No i'm not implying I expect people to be sad for me when I die. But would it be so nice if everyone just kept on living their lives and didn't...
Who said I didn't think? I said I do it because so and so. I've explained my reasoning behind my actions, and thats somehow not thinking? I said...
Did I just say you should DO it? I explained I do it because i've just lost a connection to someone, and these connections aren't easy to make....
I'm pretty sure if my dad or my mom died, or my uncle or aunt, I would be sad, not because it's a social standard it's because i've just lost...
Take $3000 grand and invest in the weed market, (IF YOU KNOW WHAT I AM SAYING, MONEY BACK MAKIN STACKzZZZZ) College, Car, invest the rest.