Why not just get a fake id for 21?
Me? I'd buy: (to celebrate) 1 Ounce of White Widow or AK47 1 bottle of Blue Label 1 RooR bong Then? Tuition for school Macbook Car (something...
>>Please excuse the dub. >>excuse the dub. >>the dub. >>DUB. WHERE IS THE POT I DONT SEE ANY DICKS EVERYWHERE. But i'm legitimately...
I don't know why people always have to constantly do this. And this is in no way a personal attack against you, Sweeney, but why is it never...
Wasn't the army trying to slowly phase in XM8's? I mean, I remember that they didn't because the XM8 had some melting issues on the plastic of...
uh what program?
I say: N - O.
I take my previous post back. This person has had a much worse day than me.
How so?
awful day today my father is looking for a fist to the ****ing face, yes, i'm disrespectful, but he needs it. i didn't smoke. i didn't drink....
Why would you just take out Stopping Power? If you take out one you might as well take out the other. Your idea is even more ridiculous then theirs.
I can tell by the suggestions in this thread so far, that all of you are fairly awful at Call of Duty. I do fine with Double Tap, Overkill and...
Stick it in her pooper.
Last night was weird and a Monday is something I kind of need. <3Monday.
My biggest pet peeve is how I can't play ranked Matchmaking. !
You are ****ing retarded. Who the **** would bring a Porsche and a Minivan to war? This isn't battlefield, and the ideas you are coming up...
But that's so flawed. If you enjoy xbox, why would you stop playing Xbox? Well I enjoy drugs, so why would I stop using drugs?
It's tough **** really that people get dealt shitty cards sometimes, but if you want me to feel guilty for using drugs and "destroying" my...
Does this also include certain types of Rx Prescription Medicine? I.E. Xanax, Vicodin, Perkocets, etc.?
If you believe OP, you're an idiot.