there is already a super baddas mofo of a map called Legacy
After extensive testing and tweaking I am happy to release Zenith V1.4. I have mainly worked on spawns but there have been some other minor...
Singularity Good Evening! This is a circular map built for 1v1 and FFA based on MLG settings. The design is inspired by Derelict, Desolation and...
Suggestions please. @Everyone: Someone has brought it to my attention that there is version of Zenith going around by the name of "MLG Showdown"...
Thanks to everyone for the further comments. I beg to differ, please readjust your opinion after playing the map. The walls dont look the same...
there are good tuts here in the 101 section. you can also find good tuts at 3 forge forum None of the glitches or techniques are...
@DarkSynth: Thanks man, I hope your box is back soon dude. @Squid: Pwnage. @Mr G: An interesting blend. @Phoenix: I will consider it for v1.4,...
Hahahahhhaaahhaa NO. Please use your eyes when reveiwing maps, it helps.
Version 1.3 I have updated the opening post with Version 1.3 links and pics
Yes, I am on GMT. I will be online every night between 7-11 ish and more at the weekend. I will make sure you get a spot in the party if I see...
Thanks to everyone who has left feedback. Testing has continued and is at v1.2 stage now. If the testing continues to show good results I will...
Thanks for the further replies peepls, I am ready to test 1.1 tonight, and will post as soon as I have confirmed the changes work. 1.1 changes:...
Hey man! thanks for the love. I'm sure you wont be dissapointed with how it plays.
Respawns are only bases specific for ctf, so it isnt a problem with hill. let me know how you find it after playing.
Hey Kon, thanks for the input, I eagerly await your feedback. For the mainframe I think it's best put in two base symmetrical although there are...
Thanks for the further feedback ppls, you're all very kind. Please leave feedback on how the map plays!
thanks for all the feedback guys. @sdrakulich I have tried to reduce bumps all over the map, but nothings perfect. @Tulio: The doors are for...
MLG Zenith V1.4 Zenith V1.4 This is my 3 base symmetrical arena; setup for Slayer, CTF, Ball and KoTH. There are 6 Battle Rifles, 4 Frag...
Thanks for all the comments guys. I'm still looking for feedback on how the map plays, spawns, etc. Please let me know of any problems, bad...
Hey no problem. I was a little vague. Just realised: Bungie decided to place a ton of trash on the floor of foundry and along with a vacum...