Yep, so MS is ripping of the PS3 and Wii with Avatars and digital movie distribution. But Sony is ripping off MS with the new trophy service...
Yep, another blow to Sony. But FFXIII versus is still a PS3 exclusive for the time being...
That map looks amazing.
It's all good.
I give this map a Warp factor 5 stars! XD
Thanks for all the kinder comments everyone. The only reason why it took me a couple days is because well, I have other things in LIFE that I have...
I admit, I can get very vocal when I get completely slaughtered in a match. Like this one game the other night, Me and my team were playing a 2...
You roll up various objects in a ball to rebuild the stars and planets in the solar system. Kind of like a snowball, only with thumbtacks, people,...
Well folks, I only did this for fun. Like I said, you have to be a fan to fully appreciate this. So it's an acquired taste. I think there is a...
Katamari Created by S-Pac 3:16 Supported Gametypes: Whatever... Map Description So what would happen if a Katamari were to run loose in the...
Can't wait till Monday! (7/7) It's nice that they lowered the price of the Legendary maps, but not to the people who already bought them. Oh well. :p
Hell in a cell! Created by:S-Pac 3:16 This is a close quarters deathmatch arena. A 6x6 size, four sided cell With three levels of death and...
When they remake the classic maps, they try to make them work with the new gameplay elements. So that's why they are a little different while...
Wow, this map makes me dizzy! Awesome job there. :D
I think they should take out all the power weapons in general. Once somebody grabs a shotgun and a sniper weapon, the other player is relatively...
I agree with the "Keep your cool" tip since that is almost difficult for me to do for the most part,haha... But I have been getting better with...
Awesome map indeed.:D
I don't know, It doesn't look like it'll be a Midship remake. It may have similar structures, but the lay out looks different. But We'll wait till...
It annoys me when on Snowbound, people camp at the underground shield wall. So yeah, they shouldn't be in there...
Well, I do play with kids under 18 and few of them are well behaved. But I don't purposely go online and yell at kids or adults because "it's the...