thanks- I guess?
Hey Dude, I just got my 50 in swat, do you want to boost or what???
it is THE BEST map thats not on Foundry overall: 1000000000/1000000000![IMG]
wow it looks pretty cool i like the way the vehicles fall on the objects rite when ur least expecting it :D anyway ill dl when i free some space...
This looks really hecktic, and yet really fun. i like how they used the shield doors and the fence walls. i think this was really well made but...
cool dude, I'm actually going to be checking out sniping myself lololol
Thisis fine the way it is. He didn't change any of the aesthetics on the maps, just the weapons and the way stuff works. No need for pictures. And...
I see no point in this screenshot like many other ones that people take its just a laser blowing up something witha elite and spartan. 3/5
Welcome to forgehub! you should probably embed your screenshot by saving the pic on your computer and uploading it onto photobucket, and then...
eh, kind of missing, but funny nonetheless, i love how his arms are in the air. 7.8/10
Haha, that's pretty good. It looks a lot like a microphone. I never have seen an energy sword used like that before. Very creative, good job.
i think it looks pretty sweet 4/5
First Welcome To Forge Hub Next time when you post screenshots embed your pictures Just a little tip Good pics
Masterchief is probably just bored of cybering it up with cortana, and wants some real action. By the way what is he holding in his hands?
I'm in pics should've said who played, but w/e this TGIF was amazing, besides me getting lagged out 5 times...
Very good job on the picture. The yellow ripples look very interesting. Nice job man. Btw, you have the biggest sig I've ever seen.
Really nice mlg map! I saw very nice interlocking but i don't thing i saw any geomerging.That's ok though..its good. I'll try and play and get...
This looks amazing, but erm..... I was just building a map to the exact same standard. Now ill have to delete it, damn it. This looks very well...
Haha, we're asking you guys. We agree that there's something a little bit off with the map but we are incapable of figuring out exactly what isn't...