go back to page 4 and my post pretty much explains the ViDoc to an almost truthful scale. What I mean by that is, we will have to see if I'm...
Bungie follows the Halo Bible. Master Chief was not part of Noble team during any time in his life, and was on a mission with James and Linda at...
What if It's Cortana speaking throughout the whole video until the part with Halsey? Or maybe not Cortana but another AI with the same voice as...
[spoiler] EDIT: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Reach#The_Fall_of_Reach <-source. wouldn't know if it's considered a legit source, though.
When she said "there's only one other Spartan with that rating", was that a possible reference to John-117? Also... Jun... -has scottish accent...
agreed (if were thinking of the same piece that is...)
Ok here's my plan 12 Covenant Cruisers 11 (thousand) Taco Bell Restaurants 10 ODSTs 9 Tin Cups 8 KFC Restaurants 7 Columns (see what I did...
8 aircraft carriers, 3 covenant cruisers, 200 taco shacks, and a mcdonalds
This map reminds me of Headlong from Halo 2. Now I want to make a Headlong remake...
somebody already has a thread like this http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-forge-discussion/103039-forgeworld-official-object-list.html
should be on your pre-order receipt. If not, go back to the gamestop you pre-ordered it from and ask for a new receipt with the code on it.
All toys are around $100. The Killball is one of them. YouTube- Halo Reach Panel at Comic-Con 2010 - Part 2‎ the video was from...
one way roads usually lead to mass amounts of camping and ambushing because of the sight lines. I like the idea of symmetry you have going on...
Well the sectioning off part, is for when you are on foot during a game. In one other video you can see Chris leaving a safe barrier in a falcon...
well from what the clip shows the area is called "OUT OF BOUNDS" in the bottom, if it were sectioned off wouldn't it still show for example "The...
Hey guys I was just watching a video posted here...
Oh, you have a point there. Well with the new impostering system the ceiling to the map should be really high, I assume.
What if bungie is hiding a skybox from us? What if there's a huge skybox above the entire forge world? xD
My map idea: Zombie Island (Not Borderlands) Story: its late at night (if FX ball has the right type of setting) and a couple of guys crashed on a...
I haven't forged in god knows how long since MW2 came out. I was blinded by the "ooo look at all the features" and only recently realized MW2 was...