Even though its fairly simple, it's actually a pretty cool idea. You could use this for something like a golf ball dispenser if you made a golf...
Lol, I know its an old find but its still pretty cool, and it will make elevators far easier to make. Oh, BTW that map looks pretty cool, did...
What is your GT, I'll send you a request.
I might pop on for a bit if I get the chance, but is it alright if I just come on for a short while? GT: Big Maxy 117.
Lol, for me (in the UK) the maps come out at around 8.00, which is perfect for me because I always wake up at 7.00. =).
I really don't think they would have 'matchmaking' in AC 2, it sounds like it would just be stupid. The only way I can imagine them implementing...
Although it does look like a fairly faithful remake of the original there would be something you need to add so its playable for halo - cover. If...
This is probably one of the hardest choices between games I'll see for a while.... I truly loved Bioshock and I thought the plot was great, and...
Rat's Nest is a remake of this xD. I love the idea of building campaign maps for multiplayer and I really hope that there are some good maps...
I would make a Halo Classics map pack and have some remakes of the the best multiplayer maps from Halo:CE and Halo 2. It would have to have things...
Well basically this is the first draft for a new Halo 3 web comic I'm making called Facing Worlds. At the moment the lines are incredibley cheesey...
Vincent Valentine's outfit from FF7, awesome random red cloak with a claw .=)
Did you notice that your Valhalla picture is on the latest Reclaimer comic, its exactly the same as yours. But it might just be the person taking...
I reckon whoever made the song probably hasn't even played a PS3. For a start what's wrong with PS3 Network, I played CoD4 on it for ages and its...
I think that most of this post is really good, and will hopefully stop some of the reviews like you mentioned earlier. The only thing is that I...
If you wanted to make them get on straight you could just give them guide walls to get onto the man cannon but not for actually guiding it all the...
I really love these pictures! I think its great that you haven't just plastered on some pointless effects which make the picture look awful, you...
Wow, this looks awesome! The aesthetic feel is brilliant and its a very faithful remake of the much loved CoD5 zombies. I'm certain I'll have lots...
You could just use a wire switch to make the dumpster go up, and it would probably be quite easy to make, just use a couple of antennas. Also the...
Although its really quite cool and I really like the head there are some improvements you should probably make. For a start if you want to make it...