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Absolution is my attempt at an competitive map for the Objective Contest. I tried my best to make Absolution seem like a classic Halo map. It was...
Link. I thought you guys would be interested in this new contest being held by 343. Basically you make an objective map and submit it for...
Sky Blitz Sky Blitz is my latest mini game project that has been in the works for a couple of weeks now. It's an attack/defend game where...
Article. So most of you guys probably have heard of this by now, but last Saturday in Miami, a homeless man ate another man's face, 75% to be...
Link. I think it's pretty interesting that they'll have to produce a game every other year as well as expansion packs. I hope Bungie can still...
Tropice is my latest map that will cater to one-flag (and one-bomb if I can find the TU version). Attackers spawn at the beach and try to fight...
Does anyone know where I can find TU One Bomb? I can't seem to find it ANYWHERE. Thanks.
A DRAMATIC SURPRISE ON A QUIET SQUARE - YouTube One of the best youtube vids I have seen in awhile.
Well everyone knows that today Bungie stopped updating their Halo data on Bnet today. Luckily though, they took the time to give us a picture that...
[IMG] BUILD SITE Build Site is my latest project for BTB that is geared towards infantry combat. The only vehicle on the map is a neutral...
[IMG] by cluckinho10 The Game Scopeless is a clever and unique mini game where attackers attempt to collect as many stockpile flags as...
[IMG] GARDENS OF BABYLON The Gardens of Babylon will be my entry to this month's contest, Wonders of The World II. Basically the map was...
[IMG] How good are you at no scoping? Are you an amateur or a pro? Well prove it with my new mini game Scopeless! In Scopeless two teams of 4-8...
So yeah I'm in geometry class and I'm stupid when it comes to geo. Anyways I was hoping someone could explain how I would go about solving this...
[IMG] DOME So yeah this is Dome from MW3. It is definitely one of my least favorite creations, but I have forced myself into posting this...
DOLLBALL Yo. DollBall is a new arena style mini game that I have been working on for a little while. Basically it utilizes the GRD doll found in...
Made a simple sailboat wallpaper in AI. Nothing terribly cool but I thought it looked decent. [IMG]
Perdition is a tiny map aimed for 1v1. Don't worry though, it isn't one of those 1v1s that everyone seems to make these days. Perdition is much...
So Dome from MW3 is gonna be my submission the FT2 contest and I'm sure I am not the only one lol. Anyways, I think the map turned out to be...