Awesome map, great looks and balance. Just two things: Aren't there 3 health packs? One by the radio thingy, one by the lighthouse entrance and...
Depends on what you like to build, but search around on older halo maps and pictures, and i'm sure you'll find some inspiration.
I might have made the spawns to frequent, but if so, it's probably because i hate being vehcile camped. I'll see what happens. Testing will occur...
Yeah, they might be a bit quick, i'll put 15 seconds more on each except for the mongeese and for the ghost. Yeah, it breaks LoS great, one of my...
In the middle area, where 2nd "extra level" place, where there's 2 mancannons. If it becomes a problem, i'll probably do that Edited by merge: I...
I have never gotten a hate message. Once, in Community BTB, it was i and a clan of seven. We won with 100-3. Their 3 points was my deaths.
Looks good, it has this special look i can't describe. If you polish it i'd think it will turn out great. My tip: put the walkways you used for...
Yeah, i know the middle area might be OP, but i'll see when i test it. Maybe i could add a soft kill there? Forerunners have so cool...
Best covenant ship iv'e seen. Not as edgy as other ones, the blocks flow perfectly into eachother.
I think there's enough cover, there's lots of rocks. I can't afford it though. Thanks for the critisism.
Great design and looks. You've used lots of objects in new and good looking ways. 4.5 from the looks.
Look great for multiflag and assault, great job! Just one question: Do they floor lag/ flimmer when you move? If so, please fix it, it looks bad.
It looks a bit dull, but with enough fixes, i think it can turn out great. It's too gray and lots of parts look... unfinished.
Thanks for the critisism. Damn pics though. I'm pretty much done, i might change the bottom part of the bases though, they look a bit junky. I...
This is my first real map, and my first one in reach. It's for big team and i'll have testing on sunday. The only changes i've made from this...
Make your own FF, in MM, it's just points whoring or AFK's. I have my own settings which make you fear elite and hunter rounds, while still not...
I have lots of maps unfinished, and when i start building on one, i get new ideas to other ones, but i never finish them. Any tips or ides? How do...
About the age of war, i can send you a friend request in about 10 hours, gotta go to school :(
Well, live in Sweden so it might be some problems about time zones, but i'll send you a friend request and i can forge with you as long as both of...
I've been incredibly busy and haven't been able to finish my maps, as i come up with new ones all the time. Gotta finish those. That probably...