Sorry for not posting ay pics dudes :( I just discovered minecraft so my xbox has been left alone for a while.
Sounds like you get easily distracted :P
What do you do when you forge? Eat something? Snacks? Listen to music? Also, do you plan when to forge, or is it just random? Myself, i just...
Looks incredibly good. I want the first one in firefight so badly. Only thing i dislike is the ramp, medium or large or whatever it is in pic 4....
Like it. Not pixel prfect, but it looks good.
Looks good for asymmetric objective. Good work man. Only one thing. The turrets are placed so that you probably have to jump to get into them,...
Consider deleting the shotgun, as i think will be completely dominant from what i've seen in the pics. Replace it with a plasma pistol or some...
Looks good, love the central structure :)
Looks good, i like race maps with bumpy parts and obstacles; it makes it more challenging and fun. However, i think you Decided has a bit too many...
Thanks for helping so much, but the version on my fileshare is the newest variant, so that might be the problem. Gonna check without killzones though.
Kinda bad if it does. Anyway, i'll try deleting all kill & safe zones and see if it still doesn't work. If it still ****s up, i'll post it in my...
EDIT: Thanks for your help. It was a killzone hidden in the abyss... or in a rock.
I didn't mean the map would be big. I mean a small tunnel system. And for visual, everyone spawn with a nightvision weapon. The reticle turns red...
Not so good at it, i hate setting up objectives too. :S
From what i can see on the pictures, they look good. Please post more pics, and an overview image.
Why? I think inefction is pretty boring sometimes and i'm spicing it up a little bit. At least the fear of it.
Imaging walking inside a completely dark maze. You hear footsteps,followed by gunfire. After that, only silence. You hear footsteps again, but...
This sounds good, but it would definately require a lot of testing. For the spot system, i like it. It's beneficial for your team (and for you if...
Great idea, dude! If you can: a big circular dome, with grass as bottom and with an open hole in the roof. Preferably forerunner style with...