This is so awesome, and it has given me a lots of ideas. Great work!
I have posted a hair pic now :)
This looks so good! Really brilliant map. There's some things that is a bit weird, like the human turret in pic 5. It faces a crate, and it seems...
Awesome! I couldn't wait for this to come out when i first saw the preview. One of my ODST faves. You nailed it as a remake and reaaally looks...
The epitaph looks a bit.. (Can't find the word. I mean there's lots of pieces with edges everywhere). The ghost town looks good so far, the...
The first map's bases look a bit gray inside with the coliseum walls. Also, the coliseum wall in the middle of pipeline looks a bit weird. But...
Like said before me; great aesthetics and gameplau, but i think the spartan lazer should be removed, also please give us a list on how much ammo...
When i started the video, i thought it would be a boring race map, with it being completely straight forward. what i saw was something really...
Great map! Looks really thought-out and well done. Only thing i believe could be better is the aesthetics.
Yes, like ELI PONIN said, needs more cover, especially when there's snipers. Also, it uses a lot of premade buildings. I really like the layout,...
Looks really hectic, which is not necesserily bad, and it's a good map. Just one thing: the 2x2 corner in the 4th pic looks out of place.
The best asthaetic and playable map i've ever seen. The ship looks brilliant! Please, more pics :)
It's not a perfect remake, but i think you did it good. Perhaps change the blocks/place them differently. Also, i love your doors :)
I suggested this in his thread, and i'm glad i came to life, Minigames like this funks things up. Good work, although i'd like a list of the traits.
I think it's best to combine the 2. Say what's good and what can be better.
I want a desert world on a human planet with human structures.
I know what you mean but if the humans have more health also, i think it would be pretty balanced.
I agree. The only thing that matters nowadays is the maps that the pros forge.
Make it like most infection maps here on FH; Humans are 3-5 hits, no recharge, zombies can take more than one shotgun hit from point blank range....
Good basic idea, make it with more goals and maybe more teams :) Also, post it as a map preview in forge discussion.