I just wanted to let you know, I'm a bit artsy and would like to draw a reach themed TGIF image. If youre interested let me know and I'll send you...
Everything I wrote in the map description is possible with forge. And the airstrike is in a fixed preset location as is the tank. The radio is for...
exactly, what I think is the ideal map is a map with dynamic ascetics and also dynamic gamechanger. Picture this. Your team charges over a hill...
I think that if a team manages to use a dynamic change to their advantage then good for them. In my opinion we need more maps with the adapt or...
Nemihara's got the right idea. I just love maps that change drastically or allow players to think outside the box. The situation with the train...
Castle Map name: Castle Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details A semi symetrical map with abundant cover. [IMG]
I mean maps that have some dynamic or changing feature such as a train that roars across the map midway through a game, crushing all in its path,...
I am from Western Australia so the time might be off. However if possible I'll join you for some Demonball. Gamertag is Drunken Ru55ian
Nomination: Saucered Download link: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Search The winner of ther bungie, forgetacular competition for invasion. this...
will this rpg be based on the reach storyline, or something else entirely.
Making basic dynamic invasion maps. Dynamic maps are best made with invasion as using gates and "weapon" tags allow for very in depth control. A...
Thankyou. I didn't like Last Resort as much as other maps but I thought that was just me. It was my go to map for custom slayer though. I'm not...
If you look back at the legacy of not just halo, but all multiplayer games. The best maps are dynamic. Take Last Resort from Halo 3 or Hail from...
hey sorry i took so long, been busy, yeah you can test with me, im about to post a few maps of my own that need testing under the names waterfall...