Awesome map My regular thugs love it. We made the choppers spawn late though. They were too overpowering. big fun 5/5> ManRayX [IMG] SIETCH...
Greatest Mini Game Ever Hands down. I read some other posts that mentioned spawning outside the map. When we started as red and blue teams it...
Sorry and sorry. MRX
ADhD Dude there is no scorpions on the map and its a huge big team map. If you want Scorpions check out my map Sietch on a towerless Sandbox....
Cool Map. So this is a great concept and the geomerging is pretty amazing. Where is the highway part I looked all over for it. You may have an...
Check ur facts The ship your refering to came from Jackal Annubis Air raid map. Theres a link in the Hail mary post to it. I know somebody got...
Beautiful Map Sorry I cant test with you on the 31st. We love the map a few people thought the ammo counts on most weapons were low. The only...
Upgrade Ok I have had and played a couple of versions of this map and have gotten rave reviews from everyone. The aesthetics are obviously...
Cool Map. We play alot of swat so this played awesome. Very simple design but trust me I know it took along time. Probably good for other...
I like this map alot. We put it in our rotation. SWAT is really good on it although some spawns are easy kills. As for the fusion coils and hog...
Interlocking Yeah it is important but when you do it from the start. You might want to lose the interlocks all together and put it in the next...
Gears Like I posted I never really played gears. Beautiful map, played it with my customs group they loved it. Didn't tell them it was a Gears...
Wow Smart play w the coils to create a audio background. DL just for thinking out of the box like that. Looks super clean. Will check out and get...
Messy!?!?!?!? Messy? messy? How dare you sir! All weapon placements were betaed and balanced for a large group of players. Messy. BTW thanks...
First of all thanks. Yes it's BTB, and yes all thats missing is giant worm that poop addictive halucinogens.
dude lighten up Ive been reading through your replies to different comments people have made and I know maps are personal things cause they...
Oh for the wide open spaces. We could all use some extra breathing room. It would seem like during game play that might be a problem especially if...