Thanks for the feedback. From testing this map definetly requires team collaboration so mics are a must. We tried a few things with the grav lift...
friginconquestalicious!!!!!!!!!! Awesome map GTF. Love that you gave some elevation to the ceilings to give some room to lob nades. The only...
A great begining This is a beautiful map. The light quality makes for a great aesthetic. Its a shame that its only an aesthetic map. You have...
Some of the weapons are powerful, but as you will see the attackers have the advantage. They always spawn near the top of the map and have stealth...
Thanks Wasnt sure where to post and had seen other forgers post on different categories. Sorry
Escape From LV-426 Escape From LV-426 Download Escape From LV-426 Map Download Escape From LV-426 Gametype VIP Escape (escort),...
Post is fixed Post is fixed. Enjoy!!!
Hit enter and it posted before I finished Sorry guys will have full post up in about hour hit enter and posted before I finished creating it.
Escape From LV-426 Download Escape From LV-426 Map Download Escape From LV-426 Gametype VIP Escape (escort), Infection, Slayer, Team...
Me too Count me in for death barriers. Also would definetly love placeable water and controlable weather, but the ultimate would be a flying...
Will send u FR
Lovin me some asset. Big fan of ur maps and gametype. I have been playing around with different variants of the VIP gametype for a long time now....
Thats come up on occasion so I went back and did a redo of the defender spawns. I moved some of them just outside the base and added a few....
Specfrigintacular!!!! Amazing work. Especially happy that theres plenty of budget left to glitch the map and make someting out of it> Would be...
Erebus Did you finish it yet havent seen the post
Balanced just right> Once again amazing my friend. The combo of trip mines bubbles and deployable covers makes this map balance and flow great....
Welcome back dude
Revenga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That MF killed my cousin in cuba. I cut him up real nice. Looks great u have my DL will get back to you....
Juicylicious!!! Straight up duel. Awesome in it's simplicity. We switched out the machine gun turrets for plasma turrets. The tracers look cool....
Cool Gametype I did a VIP escort game a while back that had elements of this . Skydive Convoy had a weak vip driving an barricaded elephant in a...