WHERE EAGLES DARE[IMG] Looking for playtesters. Where Eagles Dare is a 3 phase invasion map where the invaders are Spartans. Storm the beach get...
This map deserves good spawns. You might want to do it the old fashioned way and place some individual spawns as well as the areas you placing in...
Test Jack Thought I still had you on my friends list. Cleared a space for you and sent you a F Req. I have a group getting together Friday...
I second or third that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
???? went back and looked at your spawn areas. They are specific to game type and should not interfere with slayer. Maybe adding more individual...
My question is can you play invasion with more than 12 players (16?). Can there be a fourth fireteam on each side even if it can only spawn at the...
We were playing slayer and swat slayer. I will take a look at it in forge tonight and get back to you.
Great remake Very accurate remake looks great. I thought it was a shame that you could hear the waterfall outside but couldn't see it so........
Instant Classic I'm familiar with your work so when I saw your name on the post I was sure it was going to be a quality map. You completely blew...
Sounds cool. Count me in for testing. Gotta clear a spot on my friends list so msg me. What time/timezone. Also what filters did u use for night...
I see that in the new forgoten treasures contest for reach it's excluding maps that are budget glitched so I assume you can anyone know where I...
It only deserves to get out there if people download it, and they usually only download if you have more pictures.
Ridiculously accurate. Amazing redo love that you put a couple of armor loadouts around as well. Going in the permanent reach map file. MRX
No prob. Had a group of 8 on ur map last night they loved it.
Epic. I'm a little surprised at the posts i've read on your map. This is probably the best forging of any map Ive seen from Reach so far. Amazing...
killer diller Great map, but I suggest. 1) put a hard kill zone at the bottom and around the outside of the map. 2) put a layer of kill balls at...
Does anyone know. I am building an Invasion map that will need air evac.
Yet another spectacular aesthetic achievement. Spectacular map Joe. You always think way past most forgers in coming up with inovative ways to...
Hmmmm Yeah I think that much is obvious. Looks like that google spanish transalator isn't up to par which is a shame cause it looks pretty...
Where do I start. WOW!!!! Great concept your doing things here that I didn't even know could be done in the new forge. Would love to test this...