[IMG] WHERE EAGLES DARE TRAILER http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERzqdUKUZ8I [IMG] Where Eagles Dare is a 3 phase Invasion/Invasion Slayer...
Really fun, and such a simple concept. It usually works that way I guess. We played this a few times with full teams in my custom games group and...
Yo ABL. Big fan of the map as you know. Can't wait for the new larger version. Check out the post for Halo Stadium...
Maybe place a yellow light under water? Flasing would probably look cool but might affect your framerate. MRX
Inspiring work my friend. Got an early look at this during testing and have since tested it on various gametypes... Flawless. Almost done with a...
Sorry about that. It's kinda the equivalent of mental terrorism. MRX
I usually start from the gametype, and kinda envision it like seeing the gameplay in a movie. The base elements of the map like in my latest to...
I thought about doing this on a map I'm creating. Do you know if theres a way to extend the amount of time a vehicle will sit there smoldering?...
Check out the map preview here. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-forge-discussion/109215-where-eagles-dare-invasion.html
With all the talk about a possible ForgeCity DLC coming from Bungie. Please please please Santa!!! and after being inspired by my friend...
In Phase 2 you get a Scorpion, Rocket Hog, Sniper and Rockets at the Phase2/3 backfield spawn, and you get a Falcon and Rockets back at the ship...
Hey my friend DLed this weeks ago will reDL. I will host a test for you if you want let me know a time so we can set it up. MRX
So here's the story. I regularly (multiple times daily) pour through all the Reach forged map posts looking for the hidden gems amongst tons of...
Dude totally losing my mind that I can forge something in that forest. Awesome!!!!!!!!!! Will definetly credit you on whatever I create out there....
I have run multiple 5-10 matches with 4v4 and it plays perfectly. The scoring system has never had a problem. Some of my custom group have gotten...
What are the settings..... what do players spawn with... weapons, loadouts, abilities shield strenght? Also u and ur buddy Rolf are SPAM posting...
Maybe have you Falcons drop in on a timer instead. Set them to not spawn at the begining of the game... maybe 2 or 3 minutes in. MRX
Your gonna have to test it. Place the spawns weapon drops etc... but just throw them down wherever so the map will open in custom games. Then you...
Jack I went back and took a good look at the map. I didn't know that you had hit the hard ceilling on the object limit. So if you did want to...
More details to come... Thanks and sorry you wont make it. Clearing some space on my friends list will send you an invite so you can try it...