I just broke Aerialis the newest featured map. and I also broke a none-featured map in like 5 different ways it was called Vibrant. I cant post on...
I want to apply I am 15 years old
I played this map it was fun and entertaining. I liked both arenas, the first and second. The only flaw that I saw that was that in the first...
This looks fun. I like the idea that you should run untill your the last one alive then try to pick off the zombies one by one. One question: what...
Looks pretty cool although Im not much into games like this. Its very origanal which, is a very rare thing on halo. I dont care much for...
Ok for those of you who will test my gamertag is also my username on this site it is: GMF Painkiller
Ok this is wierd my friend just told my i posted this in the mini game maps section but I swear I clicked the gaming discussions area so I appologize
Thanks. I try.
Ok well for those of you who enjoy puzzle maps this is for you. I doubt you have heard of me because im fairly new to the forgehub but if you do...
The mongoose is very easy to see if you pay attention. True people do this a lot but i only made those to connect the rooms. And I only did it...
Well i havent played it but based on the screenshots it looks more like a jump map than a puzzle map. You can tell by all the jumps you have to...
Thanks for the back up on the whole interlocking thing. i agree, puzzle maps should be built only for the challenges not the looks. And yes i did...
yes. Crouch and walk forward then look down.
Ya that was pretty easy. Just so you know there are other things in a puzzle map besides clipping turrets and stuff through walls. I only saw one...
I tried to send you a message i dont know if you got it but what you have to do is you grab a grav lift in the room before its on the stairs...
Thanks for the coments. and about my last post it ment to say( If you beat it or break it send me a film i want to see if you did it the way i...
Looks like a good map. I like puzzles however most of them posted are way to easy to complete and break. This one likes very hard to do either....
BTW send me a film if you beat it. now i will give one hint because i have been asked what to do on the same part a couple of times. now in the...
Anyway try and rate this map AFTER you play it.