At long last it is finished. i have been through desert after desert climbed mountain after mountain slain red and blue again and again. i bring...
i will keep these questions simple. Where would i do geomerging? Where is it sloppy? Please someone answer this. if i am to improve this map and...
alright im tired so we will see how well i do. history: far in the deserts of asia a command center long forgotten was buried it is said that...
well this is what version one maps are for. tell you whats wrong. you know you have hit perfection not when there is nothing left to add but when...
well the history was simply there to help describe why you would go there. this is usable for all game types except CTF. and not to sound like a...
First things First, if you are going to say its sloppy tell me where i may not have noticed it. History: You are in a old command center...
i can see that. i will replace one of them. We will see. Agreed I will see what i can do given i am out of useable objects.
ok ok instead of getting mad at peoples high standards of forging about people needing to interlock at least once in every map, I spawned this....
ok ill add in some merging once im done with underground v3. that is if i get anymroe critisism on it. and i noticed that the windowside tower...
man... is interlocking all you guys talk about.... not every map needs it. anyway I did not mean to give the impression that this map was 5/5. i...
Entrance to the city of Sinaria is crawling with security. is that going to stop you? This is the map that inspire UnderGround. though it was...
UnderGround Version 2.1 Here is the updated link. It is much better i do admit than the older one. anyway the older one is still on my fileshare...
alright i am going to spend the next week fixing this "rough" Map. i will hopefully have the next version out by next week. as for the spelling i...
Code Name [UnderGround] History: Hundreds of years ago, according to carbon dating, on the world known as Onyx this was a spartan training ground...