Sorry for the posts, vbulletin was being gay...
Legal reasons... "You may only submit one (1) entry. If you submit more than one (1) entry, all entries submitted after the first entry will be...
I could of swore they said you can only submit one, and that all other submissions by you (besides the first one) will be disqualified.
I don't think Bungie would let a mistake that big through the presses after all the work they've done. Most of the time people see things in...
[IMG] Has anyone else noticed the reticule being way over to the side? I'm not sure how that'll work...
If you did something like this it would look pretty cool [IMG]
Effects are great, but you have to see it in 3D. It's grossly over-rated, and the story isn't very good. Really predictable. The effects are...
I'm pretty sure Defenders are red and Attackers are blue?
The prefix tells another tale
I was trying to nicely say it looks like crap...
Dooo itttt
A couple leaves coming off of it would look pretty cool, it might make some of the jumps a little easier too.
I really hope they bring back falling damage. It added a lot to vertical gameplay in Halo 1
I'm really not liking the C4Ds. They really out of place, unnatural. It just doesn't make sense to me. He's sitting there playing guitar, in...
The text blends with the background because it needs more contrast. Maybe add a black border around the letters.
The only way they can be turned into zombies is to be killed by another zombie.
[*center] Hey everybody this is a Phantom Dropship that I made a while ago. This is my first post on here, enjoy....
ODST was an expansion on Halo 3, hence the title "Halo 3: ODST".
So if all the multiplayer gametypes are the same does that mean they'll have Firefight? It was technically in Halo 3.