Make It Drizzle
I think that's the problem. Most new members haven't heard of the Review Hub or Testers Guild. I know they wanted to get accustomed to the game...
I think you should provide links to the pages your reference. It would make browsing for them a bit easier. Not that it's all that hard to search...
That's nice... Now make some more amazing maps
Tell me if you want some testers, I don't have a mic but I don't think it'll hurt that much. I finally picked up Reach today, so it would be cool...
What if you used FX to help with cover? Let's say you used the Purple filter to make it look like night time, that would make the map darker, and...
I haven't gotten the chance to buy Reach yet (by chance I mean money) but I hadn't realized they removed so many features from the game. No shield...
I agree that there is plenty of potential in continuing the Halo franchise just based on the universe they've created, but I don't think it's...
What is you built it so the two larger rings looped around the spire? Then you could do whatever you wanted to it, but you'd have a nice piece to...
Guys, just click on the pictures and you can see them bigger. I really like the that you used a more scenic area. I'm hoping it's bigger than...
I think something that starts with pit would be the best option. Something like Pitfall or Pity. I personally vote for Pitfall, because it has a...
No money right now, but I should have around $70 by the end of the week. Of course then I have to decide if I wanna use that to start saving for a...
or lack thereof
YouTube - Halo: Reach - Quick Look Boardwalk I psyched for Boardwalk, personally. Oh, and Headhunter EDIT: Countdown looks sick too,...
He also talked about how there was inconsistencies in frame rate during larger battles, and how some of the large scale battles didn't have the...
If anything the head's too large. The back seems to jut out too much, and it makes the face look smaller than it is.
I want this to happen... It would be soooo epic to watch
It looks to be too bright of a green color to be military
But I love ceativing things!